Rombalds Riding

Rombalds District Bridleways

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Find Rights Of Way

The legal record of our public rights of way is kept on Definitive Maps and Statements compiled by the various councils under the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act. The maps show the numbered paths and their status (i.e. footpath bridleway etc.). The accompanying Statements provide a physical description of each path, which includes their maintainable width, surface, and details of any gates and stiles.

The actual maps and statements, should be available for you to consult free of charge at the relevant Surveying Authorities’ offices during normal working hours. But they do have online maps which help you check the status and numbers of the paths you are using.


Please check that it is correctly recorded. A quick way to check this is by using these links to the councils’ rights of way maps.

Bradford Map of Paths

Leeds Map of Paths

North Yorkshire Map of Paths

FOOTPATH NOT SHOWN ON THE MAPS? Alert the appropriate branch of the West Yorkshire Ramblers Association

BRIDLEWAY NOT SHOWN ON THE MAPS? Please let us know by emailing Contact Us.

AND contact your local authority

Alternatively, if you can’t find the route that you are looking for on the map of paths: it could be a minor highway. See section below.

Site by Simon Battersby Consulting Ltd